Family Marriage Couples Consultant Prof Dr Ekrem Çulfa
03/03/2020 WAYS TO MAKE
Marriage Couples Consultant Prof Dr Ekrem Çulfa The first
way to deal with stress is to identify possible sources of stress and identify
them correctly. But this is often not as easy as it seems. Because the internal
causes that may cause stress are not clear enough to be easily noticed. For example,
there are tasks that you need to train in your workplace and you realize that
these are stressful for you. But your main source of stress may not be the jobs
you are given, it may be a problem with your concern, procrastination or
professional expectations. That is why,
if you want to identify the main source of your stress, you should first
analyze your habits, your attitudes and the excuses you have made about your
stressfulness. There are major questions you need to answer for this: Could you
delay your stress or cover up temporarily? For example, although you cannot
remember when you felt peaceful last time, it is like inspiring yourself, "I
have thousands of reasons to be happy." Do you
describe stress as part of your home and work life (Things are out of control
here!) Or as part of your personality (I'm a little nervous, that's all!)? Do you think
your stress is environmentally sourced or do you think being stressed is
completely normal and the environment cannot be an excuse? You should
admit that stress may also be caused by you so that the stress does not reach
the size that will get out of control. Keep a
Stress Log to Find The Real Source of Stress This method
can help you identify the true source of your stress and find a way to deal
with it. Whenever you feel stressed, sit down and write. Later, when you read
what you wrote, you will see common themes and topics. This will allow you to
find the root cause of stress or at least understand what makes you feel bad.
While keeping a stress diary, try to focus on: What caused
stress? (If you're not sure, guess.) How did this
feel to me physically and emotionally? How did I
behave in response to stress, what kind of behavior did stress cause me? What did I
do to feel better? Analyze How
You Develop a Method to Combat Stress in Daily Life The
following strategies developed to combat stress temporarily reduce stress but
cause major damage in the long run: Smoking and
drinking, Too much or
malnutrition, Spending
long hours on TV or computer, Getting away
from activities with family and friends, Using
uncontrolled medication to relax and reduce stress, Sleeping too
much, Not to
accept, deny or take seriously the problem, Filling
every minute of the day with the activity in order not to face the problem, Reflecting
your stress to others (scolding someone, reacting harshly or physical violence)
etc ... Discover
Healthier Ways to Cope with Stress If your
current methods of dealing with stress do not improve your physical and
emotional health in the long term, it is time to find a healthier method. There
are many healthy ways to combat stress, but the common feature of all is that
it requires change. This change may be environmental or you may need to make
changes yourself. There are
four concepts to consider when deciding whether change should be in your
environment or you: avoidance, replacement, adaptation and acceptance. Although
everyone uses ambient words to describe stress, the methods to deal with it
differ for everyone. In addition, a strategy that works on one subject may not
be effective for another subject or person. Stress-fighting requires very
personal methods, so first focus on what makes you feel comfortable and
peaceful. If the
change will be around, If you will
have the change, 'Avoiding'
stress source 'Adapting'
to the source of stress 'Changing'
the source of stress 'Accepting'
the source of stress Techniques
to Cope with Stress Technique of
Coping with Stress 1 - Avoid Unnecessary Stress. It is
impossible to avoid stress completely and it is not healthy to show a reflex
avoiding anything that gives stress, but if you realize how many stressful
causes you can eliminate, you can overcome it. Learn to say
"no". Notice your limits and stick to them. Do not take more
responsibility than you can carry in your personal and academic life. Avoid
stressful negative people. If a person in your life permanently causes stress
and you cannot change this course of your relationship, reduce the time you spend
with that person or end your relationship completely. Take control
of your environment. Turn off the TV if the evening news is annoying. If
traffic stresses you, find a longer but secluded route or hit the road at less
traffic. Avoid topics
that are taboo for you. If talking about religion or politics strains you,
remove them from your chat topics. Simplify
your to-do list. Analyze your daily schedule, duties and responsibilities. If
you realize that you have a lot of work, divide them into two - essential and
non-essential. Put the things to be done at the top of the list, take care of
them first. Do others if your time and energy remain, or remove them entirely
from the list. Technique of
Coping with Stress 2- Change the environmental condition that causes stress. If you can't
avoid stress, try changing it. Usually, this change includes your daily
communication methods. Try to
explain the emotions you throw in you. If something is bothering you, express
it clearly and respectfully. If you are discreet about your feelings, it will
be impossible for the stressful situation or the person to change. Be open to
compromise. Be open to change when you ask someone to change their behavior. If
you both volunteer for change, it will be easy to meet at a central point. Be
assertive. Take control of your life. If your roommate calls to chat the night
after you have the exam the next day, tell him clearly that you can only take
five minutes to chat. Use your
time properly. Not being able to organize time causes stress. When you have
limited time to get things done, it becomes harder to stay calm and focused.
Planning ahead and sticking to that plan will reduce stress. Technique of
Coping with Stress 3- Adapt to stress source. If you
cannot change the source of stress, change yourself. Adapt to the stressful
situation by changing your attitude and expectations. Look at your
problems from another perspective. Be more optimistic to stressful situations.
Instead of complaining about traffic, try seeing it as an opportunity to listen
to your favorite song. Look at the
big picture. Evaluate the stressful situation in the long term. Will this still
be a problem for me next month? Next year? Is it really worth it to feel sorry
for this? If the answer is 'no', direct your time and energy to another area,
stop thinking about the problem. Reorganize
your standards. Perfectionism is the main source of stress. Stop seeing
yourself as a symbol of failure. Set logical standards for you and those around
you. Learn to settle for 'good enough' rather than looking for 'perfect.' Focus on the
positive aspects. When stress starts to appear, stop for a second and focus on
what you need to be grateful for. Think of the positive aspects you find as a
gift. Technique of
Coping with Stress 4- Accept what you cannot change. It is
impossible to escape from everything that makes stress, falling in love, death,
getting serious illness are some of them. The best thing to do in such cases is
to accept such stressful situations. This may be difficult at first, but it is
the most reliable way to prevent situations that we cannot change in the long
run. Do not try
to control things that cannot be controlled. Many things in life develop beyond
our control, including the emotions and behaviors of others. Instead of letting
them stress you, focus on what you can control. For example, reactions to your
emotions and behavior. Share your
feelings. Talk to a friend or therapist you trust. Learn to
forgive. Admit that we live in a world far from perfect and that everyone can
make mistakes. Get rid of negative energy caused by anger and hatred and
continue your life by forgiving. Coping with
Stress Technique 5 - Find fun and enjoyable activities to relax. Dealing with
the things you enjoy and include entertainment in your life. Although stress is
inevitable, you will find that you can deal with it more easily. Remember,
relaxation is not a luxury, it is a requirement. Create time
for yourself to relax. Take time to rest and relax in your daily schedule. Communicate
with your environment. Spend time with people who are optimistic, behave
positively and lead a positive life that makes you feel good. Do something
fun every day. This could be playing the piano, cycling, or even watching the
stars. Never take
humor out of your life. This includes being able to laugh at yourself when
appropriate. Laughing is one of the most important methods of reducing stress.
If stress is still a pain despite all these suggestions call us 05447243650. I WISH YOU
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